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Free Daily Mini Reading

Today's daily mini reading comes from Daily Guidance from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Ask the Angels to guide you to what they want you to know. Pick the card you're drawn to. Thank the Angels for their guidance. This reading is open for 24 hours.

Card 1) The Ocean

”The deep blue sea speaks to your soul, healing and soothing you. Even the act of imagining yourself dipping into its healing womb brings about desirable effects. Better yet, spend time physically near the ocean. Allow its power and beauty to wash away all cares and concerns.”

You picked this card because there's a healing and cleansing that needs to happen. The ocean is calling you to soak up your worries and call upon the angels to help you heal. Water is cleansin and refreshing. Go to the ocean and breathe in the salt water air. The waves are like the breath of the ocean moving in and out. Let the ocean wash away your worries. If you can't make it to the ocean, create your own cleansing with an Epsom salt or sea salt bath.

Card 2) Energy Work

“Life can be electrifying because it’s very essence is energy. Your body is a remarkable energy field that will positively respond to loving treatments. Your hands and heart are activated to give healing energy to your loved ones and clients.”

You picked this card because you would greatly benefit from energy work such as Reiki. Either you need to contact a Reiki healer for an energy healing message or your life purpose involves giving energy healing to others. If you've been thinking about becoming a Reiki healer, the angels are urging you to do it. If not, then this card means it's time to clear the energy in your home or work environment on a regular basis.

Card 3) Have Confidence

"Moving forward does not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself. Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways. Lean upon us if your confidence wavers, and we will buoy you courage and faith."

This card is saying that you can do it! Have faith and courage that everything is working out for the greater good. Trust that everything is falling into place. God and the angels are guiding you, always. Don't listen to the voice that doubts. You are worthy and deserve everthing God wants to give you. Give all worries to God and the angels.

Card 4) Innocence

“Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth, as no one can alter God’s handiwork of perfection. give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger, or blame that may shroud your loving outlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more.”

You picked this card because you're harboring guilt. Let this go! Release it to the angels. Guilt has low vibrations so it attracts negativity. Forgive yourself and release any regrets. If you're judging other's guilt, this card is a reminder to you to see the God in them to heal the situation. You don't necessarily have to continue a relationship with them, but you need to purge the toxic thoughts and emotions for your own good. An argument you have may be based on a misuderstanding. Look past the surface illusions and see the underlying spiritual truth.

If you enjoyed my free daily mini reading, give a paid reading a try by clicking here.

Thank you for your support. Love, light, peace and blessings to you!


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