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How to Ask Good Questions for Your Readings

Unless you're looking for a real life "yes" or "no" answer to your question, which can be asked with a "single-card reading", it's always a good idea to ask more powerful questions to get more powerful answers that will help you feel empowered and optimistic at the end of your readings.

Ask open-ended questions. Doing this allows for deep reflection or exploration of a situation. You get way more interesting insights. For example, instead of asking "Will I find a new job?", try asking "What's been blocking me in finding a new job?" or "How can I release the blockages in finding a new job?". The last two questions adds deeper reflection and opens the space for understanding how you can manifest your goal of finding a new job.

To ask open-ended questions, avoid starting the question with "Will", "When", or "Should" and instead ask, "What", "How" and "Why".

So instead of just getting a straight up "yes" or "no", which isn't empowering at all, you can find out what actions you need to take; what energies are surrounding that situation; how can you actually go about manifesting what you truly want.

This all comes back to Free Will.

When you’re get answers to questions with a simple yes or no, it's like you have no power to control the outcomes in your life. It’s either a "yes it is going to happen", or a "no it is not going to happen". Some situations are “a more likely to happen,” and some things are “less likely to happen.” But even if something is more likely to happen, it doesn’t mean that it definitely will happen.

If you asked, “Will I buy a new house?” and get a “Yes.” You're either thinking, you don't need to do anything or you're going to have a bunch of follow up questions. We know that if you didn't take any action, it’s not likely that the reading would come true. You probably wouldn’t end up buying a house.

I really do believe that we have to take some action, and we have Free Will, so we can create the outcomes that we want.

If asking a "yes" or "no" question resonates with you, go for it. However, I believe you'll get better answers with more open-ended questions.

Asking the right questions in your readings is absolutely critical to getting the right answers; and these are the answers that help you to shape a path forward and manifest your goals and dreams.

I hope this has helped you! If so, please leave a comment below!

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Love, light, peace and blessings,


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