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Free Mini Reading 2/10/2016

Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Ask God, Archangel Raphael, your Angels and your Spirit Guide(s) to guide you to what you need to know regarding your health and healing. Pick the picture you're drawn to; the one that appeals to your spirit and soul. Show gratitude for guidance. This reading is open for 24 hours.


1) When you're worried about your health, it's normal to look for answers by talking to others or researching on the internet, however, you should look inward for answers as well. You're the one who really knows your body, including how it feels and what it needs. Archangel Raphael wants you to listen to your physical and emotional feelings and talk to your doctor or health care professional about them. You may be providing important information for treatment. Archangel Raphael will give you the courage to be assertive, ensuring all of your needs are met. Trust whatever you're feeling about your health. Know that you have the right to your feelings and you don't have to justify your feelings to anyone who is not willing to listen to you. Only work with people will listen.

Prayer: "Dear higher self, thank you for speaking loudly and clearly in peaceful ways that I easily understand. Archangel Raphael, thank you for guiding me to listen to my inner wisdom.”

2) Archangel Raphael helps you with all forms of healing, including emotional healing within relationships. He's assisting you with relationship and health issues, especially when both are intertwined. Archangel Raphael will help you maintain clear and loving communication with other people, as well as help resolve misunderstandings from the past. Trust your intuition about the relationship you're thinking about. If hurt has come from a relationship, be willing to forgive and move on.

Prayer: ""Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for healing and guiding all of my relationships upon the path of love. Help me to forgive any misunderstandings in order to heal and move on."

3) Look into alternative treatement outside of conventional medicine. You may need to do this along with the traditional care you're receiving. Research different options and methods for healing. Archangel Raphael will guide your search and give you hunches so you'll intuitively know the right direction to go. It's possible that your current treatment isn't effective and may be counterproductive. Seek a second opinion.

Prayer: “Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for guiding me to the ideal healing treatment modality, and for giving me clear signs and messages to validate the best path for my well-being.”

4) Archangel Raphael is helping you find peace within an unsettling situation. Please know that acceptance doesn't mean that you desire or like what's happening, but it means that you're willing to be at peace with it. God and the Angels hear your prayers for a healing. They're asking you to surrender the situation to them through acceptance. Trust that everything is working out exactly how it's supposed to. Don't resist or force anything. Be honest and speak your mind, openly, however find that balance of grace and acceptance. The Angels are working behind the scenes to answer your prayers. Continue to give your worries to God and leae them there. Things are improving. Expect a miracle!

Prayer: “Dear God and Archangel Raphael, please help me accept that everything is going in the right direction.”

If you enjoyed your free mini reading, go to my Facebook page and give me a review by clicking here.

Click here to book a full reading with me to get full indepth insight into your situation.

Thank you for your support. Love, light, peace and blessings to you!


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