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Free Mini Reading 2/8/2016

Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Ask God, your Angels and your Spirit Guide(s) to guide you to what your soul wants you to know. Pick the picture you're drawn to; the one that appeals to your spirit and soul. Show gratitude for guidance. This reading is open for 24 hours.


1) Open up yourself to receive. Abundance is waiting to flood your being. Everything is blossoming and bearing fruit now. The prosperity you seek is yours. Abundance is your birthright and is coming to you in many ways , including money, time, energy and love. Have faith and release any fear you have of lack or loss, which are only perceptions. There's abundance in everything. Give fully without fear. The more you give, the more you will receive. God wants you to prosper in all areas of your life. A windfall is coming! Align your vibration with the energy tht you desire to manifest. Whatever you focus on will grow, as you focus on gratitude for the abundance you already have, your prosperity will increase.

Affirmation: "All my needs are met above and beyond my expectations."

2) You’re a deeply compassionate being. Allow the light of your goodwill to shine to the world. Accept the care that God has for you. You’re loved and immensely loveable. True compassion starts with yourself. Unconditionally love and accept yourself just as you are. It's not necessary to be perfect, and there’s no one that you need to please but your higher self. The more you can release judgments and negative beliefs about yourself, the more true compassion you’ll have for others. Be gentle with yourself and cherish who you really are. It’s time to release guilt and shame because they no longer serve you. Forgive yourself and others. Anytime you notice a negative thought about yourself crop up, immediately replace it with a positive one.

Affirmation: “The vibration of compassion shines through my every cell!”

3) Throw your shoulders back, step forward and take a risk. Honor your truth. Speak up for yourself. You have the radiant spirit of a warrior. Now is not the time to be afraid and hold or pull back. If you are afraid, acknowledge it but take action anyway. Don't allow yourself to be limited by your belief systems. It's time to take action with passion! Face any anxiety and go beyond the boundaries and limited perceptions you have of yourself. You're a light bearer for others -- through your example, people find and act on their truth.

Affirmation: "I live life passionately and courageously!"

4) A journey is coming. The Universe knows, cherishes and protects you as you ride the currents of your life. Your life is a spiritual voyage-and it isn't always what it seems. There have been no wrong turns; everything you've been through was a part of this course. There's always a deeper meaning to your life's journey than what appears on the surface. Even when you are sailing through dark waters and stormy seas, if you allow yourself to feel it, you'll know that you're always seen, loved, and cherished by the Universe, God, and your Angels.

Affirmation: "I am safe and loved no matter where I am."

If you enjoyed your free mini reading, go to my Facebook page and give me a review by clicking here.

Click here to book a full reading with me to get full indepth insight on your situation.

Thank you for your support. Love, light, peace and blessings to you!


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